“A Home doesn’t always need a physical structure for a family to dwell.”
Who wouldn’t be grateful for what technology has offered to mankind? From the generation of hand held communication gadgets go these networking sites we are addicted to nowadays. Hats off to the brains behind these sites, for without them this world of mine won’t exist. From FRIENDSTER, NETLOG, ZORPIA, PINOYBERKZ, JANGO, TWITTER, and of course FACEBOOK!
And speaking of FACEBOOK – this is where merely my online world revolves. My very main reason why I joined this site was because of FARMVILLE, not so addicted to this..hahahahaa.Until such day, a very boring day when I scan all those comments from friends, then I happen to pass through a radio station page ( Energy FM Cebu ) and was fascinated and entertained by the comments posted on their site. Out of curiosity and when my may pagka echosera works, I did add them as friend and made some comments also. So there it goes, after that attempt I then found my long lost cousin and was able to keep in touch again with her. And that was a plus factor on my part because after that courageous attempt I was able to gain more friends and got to know more people from different walks of life. For a nocturnal people like me this was great! For a couple of years now I’ve been assigned on a night shift, thus don’t have enough time to wander around and meet people in flesh not virtually and FB keep my life active. (chos!)
After that, I have now a couple of reasons to open my FB account everyday. First is to check what’s going on with my plantation..hahaha!, next check what are my friends comments on my posts. I was also able to track my relatives. See what networking site did to me?
Later on, in my FB world I have been introduced to a certain tribe. Yes, it is indeed a tribe! Though not armed with enough knowledge of where I’m heading in the tribe, I was still able to go with the flow. Until, I find myself enjoying and at home with new friends being in the palace (as we call it).In the tribe, or shall I say in our tribe, once you will be a member, you will be baptized by our Mader with those kind a seemed- funny-aged name in our vernacular. Some get offended especially if they don’t understand yet why it has to be like that. We understand them though, coz will you be glad to be called “Simang “ when you have this beautiful name “Anne”? How about being named as “ Poldo”,”Lukring”, “Islaw”,”Dikay”,”Waldo”, “Balut”, “Karay”, “Kiray” to name a few?. But of the end of the day, once explanation was delivered we all find these names cute and find our tribe unique as well. Some of the tribe members are OFW from different side of the globe, and the tribe can be considered as our second home. A home wherein we can talk anything under the sun and have foodtrip, drinktrip, laughtrip, riddletrip ..name all those trip , you will find it in our tribe – but all these are virtual – that’s our happiness , eh.
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